
Fallout 3 Energy Weapons Mod

  1. Every Fallout game has featured an alien blaster, a rare, small, and powerful energy weapon of unearthly origins. It does a ton of damage but relies on a special round that you likely won’t find.
  2. Fallout 3 - The Liberty Rifle Mod. This mod adds three new Energy Weapons-based sniper rifles. The basic Liberty Rifle can be bought at Craterside Supply or Flak and Shrapnel's. To get the Sovereign Rifle, seek out Fort Bannister. There is a third Rifle that you must craft using the Sovereign Rifle.
  1. Energy Weapons Fallout 4
  2. Fallout 3 More Energy Weapons Mod

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Fallout 3 Energy Weapons Mod

Alien Blaster Pistol

Every Fallout game has featured an alien blaster, a rare, small, and powerful energy weapon of unearthly origins. It does a ton of damage but relies on a special round that you likely won’t find any more of than the 400 or so it comes with. If you have a maxed out Science perk, it is possible to mod the gun to work with fusion cells at a slight hit to damage, but until then, you will only want to use the Alien Blaster when you need it most.

There are conflicting rumors about what exactly triggers the alien saucer crash needed for you to get the gun. Many suggest that you need to complete Vault 75 and/or be at least level 20. In any event, at some point, there will be a noise and streak of light in the sky that your companion might comment upon. It can be easy to miss, unfortunately. Once that has happened, head to Oberland Station west of Diamond City and go northeast toward the Beantown Brewery. Among some flaming trees in a rocky area you will find a crashed saucer. Follow the trail of green blood into a cave where you will find its wounded pilot, whom you can kill for this weapon.


Few weapons give a more intimidating first impression than a flaming samurai sword. Light flames lick the blade as you carry it around, flaring up dramatically when you swing. Note that the energy damage from the flames does not scale up with more strength or melee damage modifiers. Compared to earlier iterations from previous Fallout games that relied on a backpack-mounted motorcycle fuel tank to keep it lit, this new design is svelte, with a small fuel tank on the back side of the blade. The base appears to have also received an upgrade from a makeshift sword to a Japanese wakizashi (the katana’s smaller sibling).

Unlike many of the weapons on this list, the Shishkebab has a chance of dropping randomly from any legendary enemies. If you don’t happen upon it otherwise, head to Finch Farm, toward the northeast corner of the map. There Abraham Finch will send you to the Saugus Ironworks to reclaim his family sword (and then promptly give it to you, in gratitude).

Kremvh’s Tooth

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!

Fallout 3 Energy Weapons ModBest

Excuse me. The Fallout series has a long history of allusions to the works of 20th-century horror writer H.P. Lovecraft and his Cthulhu mythos. It’s particularly appropriate for Fallout 4 since so many of Lovecraft’s stories were set in fictional Massachusetts towns like Miskatonic and Dunwich. Kremvh’s Tooth is a cult sacrificial knife that poisons its victims on top of exceptional base damage. This is the perfect implement for wastelanders that prefer the sneaky-stabby approach to Fallout.

The Tooth is located at the very bottom of the caves beneath Dunwich Borers, a quarry in the northeast section of the map near the Salem Witch Museum. Fight your way through raiders and down to a chamber at the bottom, where you will see a brief vision of gathered cultists around a small pool of water. Jump into the pool and you will find an underwater chamber that contains the Tooth on an altar. Be sure to take off your power armor first if you’re wearing any since it will get stuck at the bottom of the pool.

Spray n’ Pray

This weapon comes with its operating instructions included right in its name. This .45 mm sub-machine gun comes tricked out with all sorts of advanced mods, including a suppressor, and is fully customizable to suite your taste, if so inclined. The special sauce that really sets it apart is that it makes all of its ammo explosive, causing 15 area-of-effect damage with every hit. Fallout new vegas combat mods. This can be increased to do more damage with the Demolition Expert perk. Be careful, though, since in close quarters the explosions can do friendly fire to you or your companions.

Spray n’ Pray can be bought from the wandering merchant Cricket. If she has not set up shop in Bunker Hill, you can find her wandering around the Commonwealth, sometimes stopping at Vault 81, the Warwick Homestead, and Diamond City. It also very rarely can be found from other random merchants, or dropped by legendary raiders.

Sergeant Ash (Far Harbor)

Energy Weapons Fallout 4

In unstable economic times like the post-apocalypse, sometimes you just want to feel the burn. Not only does this nasty flamethrower come with standard mods that boost its damage and ammo capacity, but it has a 20% chance to cripple your targets’ legs. That is going to happen a lot given the flamer’s high rate of fire, making it an excellent choice for crowd control with raiders, super mutants, or anyone else stupid enough to come at you.

Fallout 3 More Energy Weapons Mod

You can buy the Sergeant from the merchant Dejen in the free synth colony of Acadia in Far Harbor, which is central to the DLC’s story.