
Pistol Fire Rate Mod

  1. Pistol Fire Rate Mod Kit
  1. The XD-S Mod.2 weighs 21.5 ounces with an empty flush-fit magazine, which is three ounces heavier than the Glock and within one ounce of the Smith & Wesson M&P9. In practical terms, all three of these pistols are close in terms of size and weight, but the XD-S Mod.2 is the only pistol offering a nine-round capacity.
  2. Most Glock models, like most pistols, are semi automatic. They have no measured fire rate. It's not an important aspect of their use case. The one exception is the Glock 18, later replaced by the Glock 18c, which has dual semi automatic and autom.

Does anyone know the exact formula for how fire rate is calculated? I am trying to make real world fire rates for real world guns. An automatic weapon that fires 550 rounds per minute fires around 9 shots per second and empties a 30 round clip in approximately 3.3 seconds.

Mar 25, 2015  Critical Delay - Decreases the fire rate of rifles by -6% and raises the critical chance by +8% at base level, or -36% fire rate and +48% critical chance at max level. Tainted Shell - Decreases the fire rate of shotguns by -6% and -7% spread at base level, or -66% fire rate and -77.

Pistol fire rate mod warframe

For example if a real world automatic weapon has a fire rate of 550 rounds per minute (excluding reloading) I am unclear how 'attack delay' and 'fire speed' under DNAM values in weapon properties in FO4edit actually relate to fire rate. Why are there two variables and how do they relate to one another?

Greetings fellow wanderers of the wastelands,

Having difficulty determining what weapon to use? Confused about the lack of a 'DPS' display for weapons in the user interface? I certainly am.


I can't find a straight answer anywhere. Now, there are many things that determine the actual effective damage, chance to hit, et cetera. I get that.

The one little piece of information that I don't get would clarify everything:

The units on 'fire rate'; what are they?

Rounds/Shots per second? per ten seconds? per minute?

In example,

Righteous Authority*: Damage = 26 , Fire Rate = 50 --> Approx. 3 to 4 shots per second average

Pipe Auto Pistol: Damage = 10 , Fire Rate = 127 --> Approx. 12 shots per second average

Tactical Hair Trigger Pipe Pistol: Damage = 13 , Fire Rate = 83 --> Approx. 6 shots per second average

Without units, 'Fire Rate' is an arbitrary, useless piece of information.

So, what is 'Fire Rate'? How is it calculated? Does it take reloading into account? Why won't it return my calls? How can I get it to notice me?

I don't even want to ask about the units on 'SLOW, MEDIUM, and FAST' for melee weapons.

Pistol Fire Rate Mod Kit

Edited by Feargan, 27 November 2015 - 05:40 PM.