
Crusader Kings 2 Ireland

  1. Crusader Kings 2 Ireland Playlist
So, I recently followed the advise of a friend and picked up CKII plus many of the DLC in a Steam Sale. I have since played several attempts at the game:

Hello, and welcome to my guide for how to unite Ireland in Crusader Kings II. Most newer players start here because you’re fairly isolated from the rest of the drama in Europe and have room to reall. Jan 21, 2018  29 videos Play all Crusader Kings II - Ireland Conquering History Games; Crusader Kings II #1 - My. Crusader Kings 2: The Reaper's Due - Saxon Savagery (Part 1) - Duration: 25:45.

  • Attempt 1: Starting as Murchad of Dubhlain in 1066: .. total abject failure very quickly, no clue how the game works, end up getting wiped out by neighbours.
  • Attempt 2: Starting as Murchad of Mumu in 1066: Things are going pretty well at first. Control half of Ireland, married to a Welsh Princess and they love each other (which is great for extra piety), everyone loves him. Suddenly he's murdered by his idiot son Brian. Now everyone hates Brian, his councillors won't do anything and his vassals all rebel. In the end he's deposed in favour of his uncle, and now I'm playing as his son, who rules one county in Ireland .. but due to a good dynastic match made as Murchad near the beginning he's married to the Duchess of Aquitain! Unfortunately this character dies of Pneumonia when his daughter and heir is only 9 years old, and she then gets disinherited from Aquitain because her pregnant mother gives birth to a son. Unsurprisingly she doesn't make it to adulthood ..
  • Attempt 3: Starting as Murchad of Mumu in 1066: Total disaster. Everyone hates him. Vassal revolts almost immediately.
  • Attempt 4: Starting as Murchad of Mumu in 1066: Things go well. Good marriage to the same Welsh princess from Attempt 2, better management of spy networks catches Brian the Idiot before he kills his father, and allows me to banish him. I then switch to Ultimageniture to disinherit him. Which may have been a mistake, Tanistry might have been a better choice. Still it's not disastrous. Murchad lives a long and successful life and by the end is King of Mumu, Duke of Conacht, and controls all of Leinster. His youngest son is 9 when he takes the throne, but a good choice of regent keeps him alive and the realm together for the next few years until he's old enough to take control. He turns out to be a very good king. Marrying a princess of Aragon, conquering the counties needed for Meath. Declaring himself King of Ireland and then uniting the rest of Ireland under his rule. He also marries his sister to the heir to Byzantium and makes good dynastic marriages throughout Europe. As well as putting down multiple rebellions which allow him to slowly grow his Demesne which is unseful because he's reinstituted gavelkind succession. When he dies of old oge he's King of all of Ireland, King of Mumu, Duke of Leinster, Duke of Meath, and Duke of Deheubarth in Wales (though only controls a portion of it). His eldest son is also competent and highly skilled and quite capable of taking over.

Crusader Kings 2 IrelandSo .. now I'm playing as the grandson of my original character on this playthrough, and I rule Ireland. My younger brother is my vassal and rules the entire coastal region of Wales, and for some reason I have one county on the East coast of Scotland as my vassal. My aunt is the Byzantine empress and we have an alliance.
Still, areas for future expansion are looking a bit tricky. I have a De-Jure claim on another Welsh county, but it's currently ruled by a highly united England, and I'm not sure I want to tangle with them. Scotland is looking a bit more divided, and I'm manufacturing a claim on Argyll, which is still independent, but I'm worried that I'm going to have real trouble expanding any further than that through war. What would people advise? Is there a good way I can stir up enough dissent in my neighbours to encourage them to split into pieces? Would I be better off trying to play the marriage game and arrange to inherit the throne of Scotland (say)?
Posted byPreparing for the Great Blot4 years ago

Hey guys, I'm about 20 hours into my life that is now ck2. I just bought Charlemagne and Old Gods (Thanks Gaben!)

I chose Laigin because why not, and I notice that my system is tribal. I like a good challenge, but I notice I barely get any money and I feel completely useless.

My greatest victory in 2 generations was one single county, and that's with the glorious RNG who gave me a free 400 men to bash the surrounding armies with.


Being at the very start, all the Irish Chiefs aren't married nor have kids and all are about 50 years old. We need to go deeper potions lyrics. I squeaked a male heir and died the same year, so there was a regent until I was of age.

Betrothed to a Pict princess, when she turned 16 I find that her FATHER made her his own concubine. So I broke that off and took another Pict princess as a wife. She hates my guts and sleeps with my spymaster (go figure) so I decided to present two debuntes and immediately make them my concubines (tribal actually isn't that bad, wink wink)

Crusader Kings 2 Ireland Playlist

Long story short, can I have some advice to make my tribal experience for enjoyable and more successful?