
Gmail Junk Mail Folder

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For some time now, I have been receiving from five to 20 unwanted “adult” emails per day. I followed Yahoo’s advice on how to block these emails, but I still am receiving them. I contacted Yahoo again, but within the blink of an eye, I received a standard response email stating that my case was closed. I have also emailed the CEO of Yahoo UK, and I am angry with the complete indifference that Yahoo has shown.

How can I stop these emails? I was thinking of sending them back to the sender, but I’m wondering if it will have any impact.Ruth

Gmail Junk Mail Folder

Adult emails are spam – and you can’t stop spam. Anybody who has your home or office address can send you letters and anybody who has your email address can send you spam. You don’t get much junk mail because it costs a lot to send. You will get lots of junk email because it costs nothing to send.

Gmail Junk Mail Folder

Email service providers such as Yahoo, Google and Microsoft filter out billions of spam emails per day. Only a few get through, and five to 20 per day is not an unusual number.

However, the ones that get through should arrive in your spam folder. If you are seeing obvious adult spam emails in your inbox then either the filtering is turned off – which isn’t easy to do in Yahoo Mail – or the filters are failing.

Unfortunately, spam filtering is a tricky business. If the filters are loose, you will see a few spam emails in your inbox. If the filters are too fierce, then legitimate emails will end up in your spam box.

A few services offer better control., for example, lets you select the aggressiveness of the spam filter on a scale from 1 to 5. I haven’t seen this option on free email services such as Google’s Gmail, Microsoft’s Outlook and Yahoo Mail.

In my experience, Yahoo’s filtering is a little loose, while Gmail is so fierce that it produces a lot of false positives. Which you prefer is a matter of taste, but if you want aggressive spam filtering, you could switch to Gmail. The drawback is that you may have to look in your spam folder every day or two or you could miss some important emails.

Switching to an alternative free email service such as Gmail or Outlook has an obvious disadvantage: you will have to tell all your contacts to use a different email address. However, both Gmail and Outlook will collect all your old emails from Yahoo, so switching is not as difficult as it sounds.

The main drawback with Gmail is the miserly amount of free storage space. I am using 98% of Gmail’s 15GB but only 1.6% of Yahoo Mail’s free 1TB (ie 16GB). Outlook free storage just expands as you use it.

Spam filtering

All email filters need some training, and it takes a while to build up a profile. This will be based, to some extent, on the emails you mark as spam. You should therefore keep reporting all the adult emails that reach your inbox.

However, never open these emails to see what’s in them. Spam emails may contain invisible “web beacons” that tell the sender you have opened the email, so this is an active account. The result will be more spam. By contrast, the correct way to handle unwanted but legitimate emails – newsletters, marketing offers etc – is to open the email and click the “unsubscribe” or “change preferences” link. Don’t just put them in the spam folder.

You can also set up your own filters to block emails from particular senders or about specific topics. In Yahoo’s case, select an email in the inbox or spam folder then click on the down arrow next to the word “more”. The drop-down menu should – but does not always – include the option to “Filter emails like this ... ” Selecting this option pops up a dialog box with entries such as From, Subject and Body. You could, for example, filter out all emails that include words such as Viagra, Cialis and porn in the body of the email.

Sadly, there’s no point in trying to block specific email senders. Spammers use millions of From addresses, which are ridiculously easy to fake.

Where Is Gmail Spam Folder Located

Other matters

You may be inadvertently opening spam emails. If your email system has a “preview pane”, every email will be opened automatically when you select it or even scroll through it.

To turn off Yahoo Mail’s preview pane, click the cogwheel in the top right corner, and select Settings. When the page opens, select “viewing email” and look down the middle column for “preview pane”. Set the option to “none”.

Note also that spam blocking doesn’t actually delete spam emails. When the service filters spam emails, and when you report them as spam, they are moved to the Spam or Junk mail folder. If you check that for legitimate emails, you will see them there.

If you go through the often-cumbersome process to auto-delete spam emails when they arrive, they’ll be diverted to the bin or trash folder. You’re unlikely to see them, but again, they’re still there. They will only be deleted when you empty the trash folder, which your email service provider will do on a regular basis.

Otherwise, don’t bother trying to send spam emails back to their source, or retaliate against the sender. As mentioned, the From addresses may well be spoofed, and it would take some effort reading the headers to work out their actual source. And if the spammers have used a real person’s email address, you’ll just be adding to the burden inflicted on some hapless bystander.

Support problems

There’s no point in getting upset about Yahoo’s perceived lack of support. First, the company is trying to stop spam. If it’s failing in one particular area, you can help by reporting the spam emails that get through. However, remember its spam filters have to work for hundreds of millions of people, not just for you.

Gmail Junk Folder Apple Mail

Second, Yahoo Mail is a free service, and it’s uneconomic to provide human support to millions of people. This is also true for Google, Microsoft and other high-volume online service providers. The cost of an average “support incident” probably starts at around £25 for phone support and maybe £10 for email support. The only viable option is online help pages that you have to figure out for yourself.

If you want personal support, you should sign up for a paid service, such as FastMail. This starts at $3 per month or $30 per year with only 2GB or storage. The mainstream service provides 25GB of storage for $5 per month or $50 per year, and is cheap at that price.

For other tips, see my earlier answer: How can I stop spam emails?

Have you got another question for Jack? Email it to

Gmail Junk Mail Folder

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