
Wow How To Unlock Void Elves

I have been a Horde player since BC, ( Blood Elf race on all my characters ) only playing Alliance in vanilla. Well with BfA this is the first time in years I went back to Alliance, I like their zones and capital city better in BfA than the Horde. And I am loving it. I faction transferred my Death Knight and Warrior to Alliance this week. And it's been so fun.
But I miss the Blood Elf body type and Void Elf's are the Blood Elf shape just Alliance version.
So for me to unlock the Void Elf I only need Arguss Reach rep to be exalted. And my level 113 Blood Elf Paladin has the most rep on that, at 10k / 21k revered.
So do I just need to go back to Argus and hammer out every quest and WQ in those three zones there ?
If so, how long will this take ballpark?
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Hmm guess no one here has Void Elf's unlocked.

A complete searchable and filterable list of Items in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Always up to date with the latest patch (8.2.0).

Are you looking to play a Void Elf in Battle for Azeroth, or indeed any of the Allied Races — Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei or Nightborne? Then you’ll need to do more than simply purchase Battle for Azeroth, although yes you’ll need to do that too. The folks at Wowhead have created a tool that can help you work out if you’ve completed the achievements and reputations that you’ll be required to have finished in order to unlock these new racial options.

Wow How To Unlock Void Elves Free

Note that these races all involve a special achievement that isn’t currently in the game files yet, but will be in 7.3.5’s game files, and the achievements are unique per each race — for example, to unlock a Void Elf you’ll need to do a special quest chain that grants an achievement. There’s one for Highmountain Tauren, Void Elves, Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei in the 7.3.5 game files. Currently, there’s not one for Zandalari Trolls or Dark Iron Dwarves. Those will likely only come to pass when Battle for Azeroth goes live.

Quest and exalt yourself

But in addition to that achievement, there are others you’ll need. For example, to unlock Nightborne, you’ll need to complete the Good Suramaritan achievement completing the Suramar storyline and also unlock Exalted reputation with the Nightfallen. Then you’ll take part in the aforementioned quest chain, which at the end will unlock Nightborne on your account. You probably will need to do the quest chain on a character of the proper faction. However, you can have the reputation and Good Suramaritan achievement on a character of either faction for this purpose. They’re account wide.


With slight variations, the same is true for the Highmountain Tauren. You’ll need Exalted with the Highmountain Tribe and Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, completed by doing the zone storyline. For the Void Elves and the Lightforged Draenei, you’ll need to complete You Are Now Prepared! and finish the Argus storyline. Void Elves require you to earn Exalted with the Argussian Reach, while Lightforged Draenei require it from the Army of the Light. In each quest there will be a storyline quest that depicts the Allied Race in question joining the Alliance or the Horde.

Com port download. So head on over to Wowhead and track those achievements — that way you’ll know which ones you need to work on in order that you can create that new Void Elf or Highmountain Tauren Warrior you’ve been waiting for.

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