
Libros De Combate Cuerpo A Cuerpo Pdf

All the habitats I´ve used are large ones.Version WITHOUT 3 Element Pures (unimportant which)= Income of 1.253.000 considering habitat max/gold (without Legend earnings)(Version INCL. All the habitats I´ve used are large ones. Dragon city galactic island map 2016. Them see below)I uploaded new photos.

Postura de combate. En el combate cuerpo a cuerpo, usted debe ser capaz de moverse dentro y fuera de su oponente rpidamente para defenderse desviando correctamente sus golpes. La correcta postura es esencial para esto. Algunas personas pueden pensar que propondremos utilizar la postura de un boxeador. No lo haremos. Combate Cuerpo A Cuerpo Traduccion Al Espanol Operaciones Especiales No 6 PDF EPUB MOBI EBOOK Livre Gratuit, Descargar Manual De Combate Cuerpo A Cuerpo Traduccion Al Espanol Operaciones Especiales No 6 PDF EPUB MOBI EBOOK Libro Gratis, Leer en Linea Manual De Combate Cuerpo A Cuerpo Traduccion Al.

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Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Three Assyrian Battles By: goshublue
Three Assyrian Battles (714 KB)
pdf of the Special rules and scenarios for three battles of the neo-Assyrian empire.
Dec 11, 2012


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: C&C Reference Sheet hungarian translation By: balijan2
C&C_Reference_Sheet_Hun_2.ZIP (3.25 MB) Oct 3, 2012
Reference_sheet_2_Hun_1_1.pdf (702 KB)
A 2. oldal táblázatában átszerkesztettem a 'nehéz harci gépek' sort, mert gyárilag nem volt egyértelmű a közelharci rész.
Oct 2, 2012
C&C_Reference_Sheet_Hun.ZIP (3.26 MB) May 22, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Commands&Colors rules hungarian translation By: balijan2
C&C_Ancients_Rules_Hun_1_1.pdf (616 KB) Oct 2, 2012
C&C_Ancients_Rules_Hun.pdf (616 KB)
A C&C magyar fordítása, amiből kihagytam bizonyos dolgokat, amik nem szükségesek az alapjátékhoz.
May 22, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Consolidated terrain summary By: lcutner
cca terrain.pdf (453 KB)
This could be useful and save flipping through multiple rule books.
Sep 2, 2012


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Consolidation of C3i Scenarios for the Base Game By: alerce
CCA - Punic Wars v1.1.pdf (1.64 MB)
Consolidation of C3i Scenarios for the Base Game (without expansions).
Actually it includes only Punic Wars scenarios, but any other official/C3i scenario suggestions are welcome.
Version 1.1:
-improves images quality. (Still compressed with some loss anyway).
Aug 6, 2012
Punic Wars.pdf (1.02 MB)
Consolidation of C3i Scenarios for the Base Game (without expansions).
Actually it includes only Punic Wars scenarios, but any other official/C3i scenario suggestions are welcome.
Jun 16, 2012


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: CCA Artscow Rulebook v3 By: AGKorson
CCA Artscow Rulebook v3.pdf (6.78 MB) Jul 14, 2012


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Commands & Colors: Ancients Reference Sheet in table [ENG] By: EspanolSD
C&C_A_Ref_sheet.pdf (380 KB)
I know this is just another version of reference sheet. I am looking for official reference sheet to download but no luck. Because of bad board game store in china, I received this game in Chinese version and they don't take any responsibility for this fault, that's why I have to do this.
Thank you very much for review this. Please feel free to leave any comment and point out fault, incomplete, unclear, etc. issue for me.
PS. I am a Thai people, English is not my native language, sorry if I made any body messy with my word. But, I am excellent for reading and listening. Thank you very much.
May 27, 2012


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: VASSAL Total Random Scenario Selector 2 By: Bassfisher44
CCA_RandomScenario3b.vmdx (3 KB)
New vassal random scenario selector including exp 6 scenarios. New update from previous modules.
May 9, 2012
CCA_RandomScenario3.vmdx (3 KB)
For VASSAL a random scenario selector. It includes all the scenarios for VASSAL up to date. Latest added JD102-121..
Mar 7, 2012
CCA_RandomScenario2b.vmdx (3 KB)
Newest version includes the newest scenarios, TT through 29 and JD through 101!
Jul 4, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: CC:A Deck Box By: Rindis
Card Box CCA.pdf (7.22 MB)
Box for the deck in Commands & Colors Ancients (third edition). This is fitted to *unsleeved* cards.
May 8, 2012


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Command and Colors: Ancients Order Tokens By: dmcke013
CCAOrdertokens.doc (36 KB)
A VERY simple Word document consisting of double-sided order tokens for use in Command and Colors: Ancients. I've included 8 each of the following: 'Hold/Fire Full' with 'Hold/Close Combat', 'Move/Fire Full' (even if it doesn't yet exist) with 'Move/Fire Reduced' and 'Move/Close Combat' with 'Move/No Close Combat'. While extremely simple, hopefully this file will be of use!
Mar 25, 2012


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: C&C:Ancients - original command cards with Polish text By: Lothrain
C&C_cards_PL.pdf (4.92 MB)
Karty Dowodzenia z oryginalnymi grafikami i polskim tekstem.
Command cards with the original graphics and Polish text.
Dec 20, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Game scale By: GC58
Studio scala di gioco.docx (723 KB) Nov 9, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Command & Conquer: Ancients [Zasady gry] By: Dr Doom
Command and Colors Ancients PL v2.pdf (1.42 MB)
Zasady gry po polsku.
Polish translation of game rules.
Oct 18, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: C&C:Ancients Unit Summary Matrix By: StevenE
C&C-Ancients_Unit Matrix.pdf (228 KB)
In response to my C&C:Napoleonics unit reference I decided to create one for Ancients. This PDF prints out on a single US legal size sheet.
Jun 17, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Regex horizontal tuckbox for C&C:A sleeved cards By: regex
CnC_A_v3.pdf (315 KB)
Ever had your sleeves caught in the flap of the tuckbox when you were closing it? So here's a new design with an horizontal layout that will keep your sleeved cards well protected.
This is a tuckbox for sleeved C&C:A cards, it will fit the space at the side of the box beside the board - in case you use a big box to store the blocks.
For a full list of horizontal design tuckboxes see:
Regex' horizontal tuckbox series for sleeved cards.
Based on the generator by Craig P Forbes.
May 27, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Hoja de ayuda en castellano - versión ampliada By: el_rey_de_amarillo
Hoja de ayuda (3.27 MB)
Hoja de ayuda en castellano para el C&C, con casi todas las unidades, tipos de terreno y reglas especiales. Espero que os ayude.
May 15, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Resumen de Reglas C&C:A By: jmontero
Resumen de Reglas v1.2 - Command and Colors - Ancients.doc (102 KB)
Resumen de reglas en espagnol.
* Se agrego el resumen de la 'Linea de visibilidad'
* Contraataque: se explica que una unidad puede contraatacar varias veces, cada vez que sea atacada durante el turno de un jugador. Lo aprendi recientemente.
* Retirada: se especifica que se debe resolver despues de verificar el acierto contra el lider. Aparece en las reglas, pero lo habia omitido en el resumen porque no me di cuenta de la importancia de este aspecto.
* Acierto contra el lider: se explica con un poco de mayor detalle que solamente se hace un chequeo por cada lanzamiento de dados del atacante.
* Varios otros arreglos.
May 7, 2011
Resumen de Reglas v1.1 - Command and Colors - Ancients.doc (69 KB)
Yo estaba sobresaturado con el libre de reglas original. Contiene mucha información redundante e innecesaria, y muchos aspectos que en realidad son intuitivos se despliegan ampliamente. Entonces comencé a extraer las ideas principales de ese monstruo de 24 páginas y las transcribí traducidas al español. El resultado es este compendio de reglas, tips, notas, excepciones, etc, de apenas 4 páginas. Yo considero que las cartas de Alexei Gartinski (alexeigartinski's Unit and Terrain Cards) son una enorme ayuda para este juego, por lo que decidí excluir de mi resumen aquella información que se explica con suficiente claridad en las cartas de alexeigartinski.
No estoy seguro de que mi recopilación sustituya al libro de reglas original del juego. Es muy probable que lo leas al principio para obtener una idea global del juego, pero tengo la confianza que la segunda lectura y las consultas durante el juego serán mucho más fáciles con mi archivo.
I was overwhelmed with the original rulebook. It contains a lot of redundant and unnecessary information, and a lot of themes covered are actually pretty obvious and intuitive. So, I extracted the core ideas from the 24-pages monster and translated them to Spanish. The result: only 4 pages with condensed rules (tips, notes, exceptions, etc). I think that the 'Unit and Terrain Cards' from Alexei Gartinski (alexeigartinski) are of great help, so I excluded from my synthesis a lot of information that is clearly explained on alexeigartinski’s cards.
I´m not sure if my compilation is going to replace the original rulebook. Maybe, you’re going to read the rulebook at the beginning to get the whole idea, but I´m pretty confident that the second and during-the-game readings are going to be a lot easier with my file.
Sep 7, 2010


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Обзор Commands & Colors: Ancients By: makvlad
Обзор_Commands_and_Colors.pdf (222 KB) May 7, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Cartas de Referencia de Gartinski re-elaboradas v1.0 By: jmontero
Cartas de Referencia de Gartinski re-elaboradas por Montero v1.0 (doble cara).pdf (5.88 MB)
Disegno Original: ALEXEI GARTINSKI (alexeigartinski)
Re-elaboradas por JOSE MONTERO (jmontero)
Imagen de fondo y parte posterior tomada del
Con el permiso de ambos, Alexei Gartinski y Universal Head.
Muchas gracias a ellos por su gran trabajo.
A Eric (lebigot), quien me ayudo a depurar varios errors y me dio unas ideas magnificas para mejorar las cartas.
Y a Miguel (franchi) quien me ayudo a comprender varias reglas de pesadilla.
Decidi re-elaborar estas cartas principalmente porque:
* Creo que las cartas de Alexei Gartinski’s son las mejores que andan por ahi, pero necesitaban mejoras.
* Quise tener un set de cartas para romanos y cartagianos, cada uno con sus respectivas imagenes.
* Quise corregir algunos errores.
* Creo que algunos aspectos se podian explicar mejor.
* Y no podia faltar … para tenerlas en espagnol.
Solamente tengo el juego base, asi que las cartas de referencia para las ampliaciones no esta entre mis proyectos actuales.
May 3, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Gartinski's units cards re-made By: jmontero
Gartinski's cards re-made by Montero v2.0.pdf (5.98 MB)
Gartinski's cards re-made by Montero v2.0
Original design: ALEXEI GARTINSKI (alexeigartinski)
Re-make by JOSE MONTERO (jmontero)
With assistance from ERIC (LEBIGOT) and MIGUEL (FRANCHI)
* Reference cards for the terrains were included in the set.
* The cards were built on a narrower font. It looks better and gave me more space to clarify many other things.
* A new field: 'Bonus Combat'.
* A misspelling on the Leader card: 'Units hits' were corrected to 'Units hit'.
* On Leader Escape, enemy unit uses its normal number of Close Combat dice, not 2, as refered on the previous version.
* Units blocking elephant retreat: 1 loss each per hex (removed the word 'adjacent').
* Keywords were formatted in 'bold' to find them easier.
* And many other rearrangements.
May 3, 2011
Gartinski's cards re-made by Montero v1.01.pdf (3.75 MB)
C&C: Ancients Units Cards for Base Game. Original design: Alexei Gartinski (alexeigartinski).
Same thing, but arranged according to Mateen's (slinkydink) suggestion (read below). Use the version you prefer.
Apr 9, 2011
Gartinski's cards re-made by Montero v1.0.pdf (3.70 MB)
C&C: Ancients Units Cards for Base Game
Original design: Alexei Gartinski (alexeigartinski)
Cards' background and back of the cards taken from Universal Head's Rules Summary V1.6
With permission of both Alexei Gartinski and Universal Head.
I decided to do this re-make mainly because:
* I believe Alexei Gartinski's cards are the best around, but needed some upgrades.
* I wanted to have separate set of cards for the Romans and for the Carthaginians, with their corresponding unit images.
* I wanted to correct some (minor) mistakes.
* I believed some aspects could be better explained.
I recommend Universal Head's Rules Summary for anything not covered on this cards.
I own only the base game. Sorry. So, making cards for the expansions is not on my current projects.
Apr 5, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: VASSAL Improved Random Scenario Selector 1 By: Bassfisher44
CCA_RandomScenario1.vmdx (1 KB)
A VASSAL extension to select a random scenario for C&C. I added a prefix to each scenario to let you know which extension the scenario is from. I was tired of looking for each scenario in all the expansions (no I don't have them all memorized). I hope this helps!
May 1, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Etiquetas en español para cartas de comando By: jmontero
Etiquetas en español para cartas v1.0.doc (672 KB)
Etiquetas en espagnol para las cartas de comando. Incluye aclaratorias provenientes de foros (en muchos casos de la mano del mismo Richard Borg, en otros casos de la mano de jugadores mas experimentados) y del FAQ 1-24-08.
Innegablemente, tome algunas palabras de las cartas de Miguel (franchi); en particular me gusto el termino 'Activar', me parecio bien claro y acorde con la mecanica del juego.
Otra novedad es que disegne un simbolo para representar el numero de comando y de este modo reducir tanta redundancia en los textos y mejorar la comprension visual.
Apr 28, 2011


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Secuencia de batalla cuerpo a cuerpo (español) By: jmontero
Secuencia de batalla v1.2.pdf (88 KB)
Representacion grafica del proceso de combate cuerpo a cuerpo.
Se corrigieron algunos errores, entre otros:
* La retirada es obligatoria, aun cuando no hubo bajas.
* El acierto contra el lider se debe verificar despues de un bono de combate si hubo bajas.
Apr 9, 2011
Secuencia de batalla v1.1.pdf (85 KB)
Representacion grafica del proceso de combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Incluye un resumen de reglas claves. Si eres nuevo en C&C o tienes un amigo que es nuevo y esta aprendiendo, te recomiendo este archivo junto con mi resumen de reglas en espaniol, mi traduccion de las cartas al espaniol y ademas te recomiendo 'Unit and Terrain Cards' de Alexei Gartinski (alexeigartinski).
Aug 30, 2010


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Close combat battle sequence By: jmontero
Battle Sequence v1.2.pdf (92 KB)
Graphical representation of the close combat process. Includes a summary of some key rules.
Some mistakes were fixed. The main ones are:
* The retreat is mandatory, even if there were no casualties.
* If the hex is vacated by the attacking unit after the defender uses 'First Strike', then the battle ends (the 'Yes' and 'No' arrows were interchanged.
* The leader casualty check must be made again after a bonus combat if there were casualties.
Apr 9, 2011
Battle Sequence v1.1.pdf (90 KB)
Graphical representation of the close combat process. Includes a summary of some key rules. If you're a newbie or have a newbie friend trying to get in the game, you should be fine with this chart, a rules summary and I also recommend 'Unit and Terrain Cards' from Alexei Gartinski (alexeigartinski).
UPDATE: Some typos are corrected from v1.0. Thanks to Duke and Duke.
Aug 30, 2010


Commands & Colors: Ancients:: Simple and Clean Campaign Rules for CC:A By: Finachetto
CC_A Simple and Clean Campaign rules by Ian.doc (26 KB)
These are my light campaign rules for CC:A. These easy rules allow two players to connect a series of battles, spar over small tactical advantages along the way, and resolve the campaign in a dramatic 'winner takes all' final confrontation. No bookkeeping. No maps. No tedious between-battle sequences. Simple, clean, and fun. All enjoy.
Mar 31, 2011

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