
Garrys Mod 11 Addons

  1. Garry's Mod 11 Add-ons

Garry's Mod Modding at its finest Discover addons, save games, demos, and more, and add them to Garry's Mod with a click of a button. Want to create and share your own creations? Hola a todos, abro este post para reunir todos nuestros Addons, si, cierto que originalmente este post era de GhostBrood pero entre una cosa y otra (y que ademas no lo actualiza) lo creo yo de nuevo y procurare actualizarlo (pero los creditos se los dais a GhostBrood). 11:05 Publicado por MiX. Para inargurar el blog asta que el problema de continua esta pagina ira poniendo addons para el gmod tube una idea porque yo no conozco todos los addons pienso una idea las primeras 20 personas en mandarme un email a mi correo podran ir poniendo entradas de addons, mods y otras cosas.

Now for the addons you can get the addons from they are all free and you dont need to buy them...i wont go into too much detail about how to install complicated files...but i will show how to install the basic but most needed ones, the most needed ones in my opinion are the pheonix storms premium models they open up loads more materials to create things with.
When you first go onto you will notice a big square filled with lots of different words, these are tags and you can just click on one and it will take you to all the files associated with that word...this saves time typing :) there is also a search box where you can search for addons.
Just below the tag box, there are two columns, one labeled latest....and one labeled popular
these show the latest addons people have added to and the most popular (most downloaded) addons...these are helpful because you instantly know what new addons have been added to the site.
To download an addon, just click on the addon you want from the list...and then click the download box.

Garrys Mod 11 Addons
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Garry's Mod 11 Add-ons

Adds a workshop addon for the client to download before entering the server.

Having the raw files from a workshop item does not count as having already downloaded it.
So players who previously downloaded a map through Fast Download will have to re-download it if you use the workshop.

You should try to only add addons that have custom content ( models, sounds, etc ).

Garrys Mod 11 Addons

Gamemodes that are workshop enabled are automatically added to this list - so there's no need to add them.
The server's current map is also automatically added, if it is loaded from a workshop addon.


This will not 'install' the addon on your server, see Workshop for Dedicated Servers for installing Steam Workshop addons onto your servers

string workshopid

The workshop id of the file. This cannot be a collection.


Adds the Achievement Viewer addon (workshop id 104606562).
Any clients that join will download this addon if they haven't previously downloaded it from the workshop or from the server (via the workshop).

You get the ID from the URL of the workshop addon.
For example, here's the URL of the Achievement Viewer addon's page:
The ID is 104606562.


Players joining the server will now be forced to download the Achievement Viewer addon.
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