
Address Bar Windows 10

An example how to switch in the file manager Q-Dir the Address-Bar to Classic Design like in Windows-XP on the new Windows-10 operating system!

  1. Address Bar Windows 10 Location
  2. Hide Address Bar Chrome Windows 10

Ljk un sd 2018. When using one of the Quick Access links in Windows 10 File Explorer, the address bar displays the following: ThisPC Documents This is really annoying for navigating around as I often need to get to another folder near Documents, but I can't click the parent folder in the address bar because its not there and if I click the up or back button on the address bar it just takes me back to This PC.

Please switch the design of the Address-Bar, start the file explorer and activate the Option Classic address bar via:

▼ Main Menu ▼ Extras ▼ Address-Bar Classic address bar (.. see Image)

Make address bar bigger windows 10

Address Bar Windows 10 Location

Please use .. always the newest Version of the file explorer Q-Dir! Windows
See also: ► disable Auto-Expand of Folders ► Address Bar rules ► disable Auto-Expand of Folders
(Image-1) Example on Windows-10 The Classic Address-Bar!

Hide Address Bar Chrome Windows 10