
Windows 10 Explorer.exe Not Found

Steps to Restart explorer.exe Process in Windows 10. Open Task manager by typing it in Cortana. Now go to the Process tab. Go to Restart tab, and tap on Restart button at the bottom of the dialog box. Press Windows+X and go to Command Prompt (Admin).

If for some reason, you need to restart your Windows File Explorer in Windows 10/8/7, this is the procedure you can follow. You may use the Task Manager, a desktop shortcut or the Context Menu.

Restart Explorer

Windows 10 Explorer.exe Not Found

In Windows 7, you would start the Task Manager. Select explorer.exe from the processes, and click on the End Process button.

This would kill explorer.exe.

Next, you’d click on File tab, choose New task (Run…), type explorer.exe in the box and click OK.

This will restart explorer.exe.

Windows 10/8 offers the context menu option to Restart Explorer in its Task Manager.

Alternatively, if you find that your explorer.exe freezes frequently or you are really into experimenting and testing customizations, creating a desktop shortcut to restart explorer would definitely be a more convenient option!

To do so, copy-paste the following in a Notepad and and save it as (All files) as a .bat file. Name it as RestartExplorer.bat, if you wish!

That’s it!

Right Click Restart Explorer adds Restart Explorer option to Context Menu – you might want to check it out!

How to kill explorer.exe in 3 clicks may also interest you.

TIP: Download this tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically

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I have updated from Windows 7 Ultimate x64 to Windows 10 Pro x64 using Media Creation Tool.

After some weeks when I'm clicking on the start button nothing happens and the whole status bar becomes unresponsive. After trying to restart explorer.exe from Task Manager explorer.exe fails to initialize. It just shows the start button, Cortana and the search bar, TaskViewer (if that's how it is called) and the Action Centre button.

Any ideas?

I tried running:

  • sfc /scannow and no errors were found
  • chkdsk /f and no errors were found

A full system restart seems to do the trick but after some time like a few hours it stops responding again.

My configuration:

  • CPU is Intel i5 4690K OC-d to 4.5Ghz
  • GPU is AMD Radeon HD 7750 Saphire 1Gb GDDR5 Edition

EDIT: After some GOOGLE SEARCHING if i try to run from Task Manager C:Windows i can actually open a window. The start bar isn't responding though and there are still no desktop icons or wallpaper.

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Windows 10 Explorer Not Running

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3 Answers

My brand new PC running Windows 8.1 had a problem with Explorer.exe not responding, and it persisted after I upgraded to Windows 10. In my case, explorer.exe didn't stop running, but the task bar was no longer updated (clock was behind, notification icons out of date), I couldn't use alt-Tab to move between windows and holding the mouse cursor over icons in the status bar didn't display the associated window. Finding 'Windows Explorer' in Task Manager, right clicking and selecting 'Restart' would resolve the problem, but only for a little while.

Windows 10 Explorer.exe Not Found

I created a System Restore Point then used regedit to delete the explorer.exe subkey from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution.options and haven't had the problem since then.

I posted this mainly to clarify that the explorer.exe 'folder' referenced above is in fact a subkey. I puzzled over the nomenclature for a moment before realizing what TermoZour meant, and thought I'd post this to help others who might misunderstand.

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After deleting the explorer.exe folder in regedit from

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution.options

explorer.exe never crashed after that.

EDIT: After a few months the same problem started again and this fix no longer works for me, but i will leave this answer here in case anyone else has the same problem.

EDIT2: I managed to fix it for good by reinstalling Windows 10 from a setup disk that you can download from their website. I selected to keep my data, and after the installation everything worked fine.


Windows 10 Explorer.exe Not Working

1272 gold badges3 silver badges16 bronze badges

Since you upgraded from windows 7, there are a lot of installed components which could be causing this issue. Usually renaming the file to [original name].bak stops the crashing. The problem is how to know which is the component. Sometimes looking in the Event log might reveal it, but sometimes the crash happens in Explorer.exe and you need to dig deeper to find out which component it is loading which is causing it to crash. I wrote a post here on how to use Process Monitor to help figure it out.

It seems you already resolved this by reinstalling windows but I hope this helps others with the same problem.


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